
Poseidon Expeditions provides adventurous travelers with exciting cruise itineraries to the Polar Regions – both to the Arctic and Antarctica – aboard the 114-passenger Sea Spirit.

To do this, we team up with one of the best technical ship managing companies in the business – CMI & CMI Leasure. The company has many years of experience in managing expedition ships and riverboats all over the world. The company has an excellent reputation for securing top-notch bridge officers, engineers, seamen as well as hotel and culinary staff – all of whom help us deliver a great expedition experience for our passengers.

Bridge Officers, Engineers, Hotel & Culinary Staff

These positions are advertised on the CMI Leasure website here. Inquiries should be sent directly to CMI Leasure at:

4770 Biscayne Blvd, PH-D
Miami, FL 33137
Phone: (786) 522-7397
Fax: (786) 650-0650

Important Notice: Please be advised that unscrupulous parties sometimes advertise online and in marine-related newsletters that they can provide you with jobs at Poseidon Expeditions. We strongly recommend that you avoid any solicitations like this, as they very likely are fraudulent and a scam designed to separate you from your hard-earned money.

Poseidon Expeditions Staff

Poseidon Expeditions directly hires expedition staff for all of our polar adventures. If you have appropriate experience in the Polar Regions as expedition staff, please feel free to contact us at anja@poseidonexpeditions.com Please send a covering email and your CV.